Project Tomorrow at ISTE

We are headed to a historic city for one of the most iconic educational technology events of the year! Will you be in Philadelphia for #ISTELive or will you be on team #NotAtISTE? Either way, we will have plenty of ways for you to expand your learning and connect with others this summer!
June 26 at 2:30 P.M. (first presentation) in 121BC
The What, Where and Who of Digital Citizenship Across K-12 Schools. Michelle Green, Speak Up Project Director and UCI Researcher, Allison Starks share insights on the latest Speak Up results around Digital Citizenship. Meet with Michelle after to discuss your survey needs for this topic!
June 27th at noon in the Terrace Ballroom.
Beyond the Homework Gap: Creating Equity in Students’ Classroom Learning Experiences Dr. Julie Evans will be connecting Speak Up findings to equity in student learning experiences.

Dr. Evans will also be releasing at this session a new Speak Up report – be among the first to learn about it. Beyond The Classroom of Today: From Increasing Technology Access to Improving Student Learning Experiences
Special Offerings
Think Tank Discussion on AI in Schools.
We’ve held three virtual events and have heard that there is interest in having a face to face discussion. If you are attending the conference live and want to participate, let us know by completing this form:
We are looking at 5:30-6:30 P.M. on Tuesday. Location to be determined. If you are attending ISTE virtually, we will be holding one more virtual event (date to be determined). You can let us know you’re interested using the form linked above.
Meet Up for Speak Up Schools and Districts
Are you a Speak Up School or District attending ISTE? Let us know! We would like to connect if possible. Especially let us know if you are presenting!

Beyond ISTE
We invite you to this summer’s book club on Free Agent Learning – Leveraging Students’ Self-Directed Learning To Transform K-12 Education by Dr. Julie Evans.
We designed this shared reading experience so that participants can join at their own pace. Exchange ideas asynchronously or engage in live events. We value connecting and do not want time to be a barrier!
Register for the Book Club using this Google form:
We will be meeting in our online Speak Up Community. If you are not already a member, we will send you an invitation to join.