The National Advisory Council on Cybersecurity (NACC) – for Education‘s Cybersecurity Translation ToolKit
The mission of the National Advisory Council on Cybersecurity (NACC) for education is to ensure public education institutions have access to relevant, timely, expert guidance and thought leadership to ensure our nation’s schools can adopt practical strategies and implement cybersecurity frameworks and controls aligned with Federal mandates. The NACC believes and is committed to supporting the work of protecting our nation’s schools through a cross-organizational strategy, incorporating the talents and expertise across all departments and disciplines, beginning with the Executive Cabinet and Boards of Education.
The Action Guide for Building Cabinet Buy-In on Cybersecurity is a comprehensive resource designed to guide school districts in establishing robust, district-wide cybersecurity protocols. Users are invited to engage in the three levels of this Action Guide as you work to advance the narrative from cybersecurity awareness to district-wide resilience.