Our Story
To ensure that today’s students are well prepared to be tomorrow’s innovators, leaders and engaged citizens of the world. We believe that by supporting the innovative uses of science, math and technology resources in our K-12 schools and communities, students will develop the critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity skills needed to compete and thrive in the 21st century.
- To provide national research projects, the replication of model excellence projects in schools and communities, online tools and resources for students, teachers and parents, and national and regional advocacy efforts.
- To leverage partnerships with the nonprofit and private sector to expand the impact of our programs.
Project Tomorrow is a national education nonprofit organization, certified by the IRS and the State of California as a 501.c.3 nonprofit organization, with a 25-year history of impacting education.
25 Years of Visionary Leadership
For over 25 years, ProjectTomorrow, originally known as NetDay, has championed collaboration and innovation in education, driven by a determined pursuit of”win-win-win” outcomes for our partners and stakeholders. Under the visionary leadership of Dr. Julie A. Evans, its mission has always been clear:to deeply understand the evolving needs of K-12 education and leverage its vast network of resources to develop impactful solutions that directly address the challenges faced by students, teachers, administrators and families.
As the educational landscape has changed so too has our approach. From creating toolkits to connect classrooms to the internet in 1999 to helping educators appreciate the potential benefits of AI in education in 2024, Project Tomorrow will continue to keep its finger on the pulse of education and provide highly responsive and timely programs and projects.
Strategic Leadership
Project Tomorrow is governed by a dedicated national Board of Directors representing business, education, youth development, scientific, public policy, and media sectors.

Funding the Mission
Project Tomorrow is funded by a combination of foundation grants, federal funding, corporate sponsorship and revenue derived from our evaluation projects. Over 85% of our annual income is used to directly impact children and schools, and for our investors (including private and public foundations).
We are well recognized within our sector for the quality and depth of our work given a small operating budget. We work smart, partner, and manage our programs very effectively.