Let’s Celebrate Digital Learning
On #DLDay 2024 (Thursday, February 15), we celebrate educators leveraging digital tools to create authentic learning experiences for students everywhere. Project Tomorrow is proud to join Future Ready School and All4Edl in championing innovation and fostering an inclusive educational future! Find more details at www.digitallearningday.org
Project Tomorrow’s Speak Up research, in partnership with K-12 districts across the country, provides a wealth of resources to inspire your next steps in shaping the future through digital learning. Below are reports and spotlights from this last year for you to explore.
If you are interested in learning more about how Speak Up can support your implementation of technology in classrooms, visit https://www.tomorrow.org/speakup/
Project Tomorrow Reports
- The 2023 Educator Report: What Do K-12 Teachers Need to Support Digital Teaching in Their Classroom Today?
- The 2023 Student Report: From CDs to AI: Speak Up Research Project Findings 2003-2023: What Do K-12 Students Say about Their Digital Learning Experiences Today?
- Special Report: Beyond the classroom today: From Increasing Technology Access to Improving Student Learning Experiences
- Results from the 2022 iboss-Project Tomorrow national research: Time to Think Differently: Why a District Cybersecurity Ecosystem Is Critical Today, Speak Up in Partnership with iboss, June 2023
- Special Report: Beyond the IT Department: The Emergence of the CIO as a Digital Leader in K-12 Districts, Speak Up in Partnership with Spectrum, March 2022
- Special Report: A Study in Innovative Teaching Practices Feedback from Summit Learning Teachers and School Leaders
District Spotlights
- Over our 20-year history, Project Tomorrow has been privileged to collaborate with exceptional educators across the country who have used Speak Up data to make meaningful change and transform the learning experience. In 2023, we established the Speak Up Hero Award to recognize districts that have consistently demonstrated their commitment to improving education for all students by recognizing the immense value of student, parent, teacher, and administrator voices as invaluable assets in shaping the future of education. Learn how two of these districts made meaningful change with Speak Up data and what advice they offer to other districts.
- Learn how three K-12 districts solicit feedback from their diverse stakeholders to collaborate in decision-making for technology purchases, professional learning design, and curriculum planning.
In our commitment to the transformative power of digital learning, we’re proud to be partnering with All4Ed to celebrate the 13th Annual Digital Learning Day. How will you be celebrating digital learning’s impact on education? Visit their website to get ideas or to register for the DLDay Live virtual event, Making Connections: From Classroom to Congress.